The grand feast of the Falling Asleep of the most glorious Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary in Jinja started with the Great Vespers at Holy Resurrection Cathedral on Wednesday, 14 August.
The evening service characterized by poetic and metaphorical expressions of the Dormition of the Theotokos was officiated by Bishop Silvester Kisitu.
His Grace was assisted by Fr Chrysostomos Koolya and a visiting priest from Kenya, Rev. Fr. Evangelos Thiani. In solemn attendance was Bishop Innocentios Byakatonda, the Titular Metropolitan of Sozusa.

On Thursday, 15 August 2024, with the blessings of Bishop Silvester of Jinja, Metropolitan Innocentios presided over the concelebration of the feast of the Dormition of Theotokos in Jinja Cathedral.
The two Hierarchs were served by guest priests from Kampala: Fr. George Nyombi of St Spyridon – Luguzi and Fr. George Lule, the Parish Priest of Holy Unmercenaries – Kiti, all in Wakiso district.
The namesakes joined the hosting clergymen; Fr Chrysostom Koolya, Fr. Joseph Panuha and Monk-Deacon Moses Ssekubunga, plus Fr. Evangelos from Kenya, to serve the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.
Fr. Evangelos Thiani, who is a Senior Lecturer at Makarios III Patriarchal Ecclesiastical School in Nairobi delivered the festal homily. In his discourse, he emphasized the need for the Orthodox Christians to keep the word of God honorably, making reference to the day’s Gospel in Luke chapter 11, verse 28.
He said, “The Theotokos was the very first person to hear the good news and kept it to the very end. The Mother of God is revered by the Church for the last 2000 years now. We observe her Conception, Nativity, Presentation, Annunciation of the Good News and today we remember her Dormition.
All of these are observed only because she heard and kept the Word of God. She obeyed and accepted to live in the way of the Word, yet she could have been stoned to death because it was unpopular for an unmarried fourteen-year-old girl to get pregnant, but still, she took the Word seriously kept it.”
The Ever-Virgin Mary was called by her Son three days before her repose and got informed of her death coming soon.
“Our Faith demands a lot from each and every one of us, as an individual and as a community. If we are faithful in hearing and keeping the Word, then one day, like the Theotokos, we will inherit the Kingdom of God.
St. Luke the Evangelist today reminds us that it is possible for us to be one with God as did the Mother of God. Start today because it is possible. Don’t just hear the Word but live it.
The reward is there, and it is the Kingdom of God on earth as well as in heaven. May the Theotokos intercede for us as we seek to be hearers, doers and keepers of the Word of God,” he concluded.
After the Liturgy of the Faithful, Bishop Innocentios whilst celebrating his 57th birthday, officiated the Service of Blessing of Bread. The honorary Metropolitan of Sozusa expressed his immense gratitude and promised to celebrate this great feast in Jinja year in, year out.
On the other hand, Bishop Silvester wished him many years of physical strength, health and continual spiritual guidance to the Orthodox congregation in Eastern Uganda.
Estimably, the celebrations were attended by Mother Thavoria – the Abbess of St Catherine – Kiyindi Monastery, with a number of nuns from the Convent.
Entertainment, abundant celebratory meal, cake-cutting and gifting of Bishop Innocentios culminated the feast on a cloudy afternoon in the Diocese gardens.

Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos is the last of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Liturgical calendar year. The rest of the Great Feasts in ascendancy are:
• Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8)
• Elevation of the Holy Cross (September 14)
• Presentation of the Theotokos (November 21)
• Nativity of Christ/ Christmas (December 25)
• Theophany/Baptism of Christ (January 6)
• Presentation of Christ (February 2)
• Annunciation (March 25)
• Palm Sunday (Sunday before Pascha)
• Ascension of Christ (40 Days after Pascha)
• Pentecost (50 Days after Pascha)
• Transfiguration (August 6).
Pascha/Easter (Resurrection of Jesus) is not included among the Great Feasts because it is the Greatest of all Holy Feasts days and thus referred to as the “Feast of Feasts”.
