“Glory be to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” (Luke 2:14)
Beloved brethren and children in Christ, with the love and blessings of our Father the Pope & Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria & All Africa, I bring you the seasonal greeting of joy saying: Christ is Born: Let us glorify!
The feast of Christmas is always a chance, for us to renew our attitude towards the Lord Jesus, who became man for our Salvation.
The Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ signifies His extreme love and humility, coming to identify Himself with those He wants to save from corruption to life. But also in that love, He brings peace to mankind. As we see during His Nativity, the Angels chanted, “peace on earth…” (Luke 2:14). Yet even after His Resurrection, and before Ascending to Heaven, He gave to the disciples, His own peace; the peace meant for our hearts. “Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you”. (John 14:27)
However, being at peace with God and with one another had been originally distorted by the devil right from the protoplasts, Adam and Eve. Therefore, God the philanthropist took the initiative to change this situation by sending His only begotten Son, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, to restore on earth the Davidic Kingdom which in the present day is the Church (Isaiah 9:6). The Nativity of Christ, fulfilled God’s promise of the Messiah who brought about spiritual transformation to man by reconciling him with the Creator, thus making us adopted children of God.
However, despite Christ’s mission of love and peace for mankind, genuine justice has been denied to people. This is due to the passion of man, in selfishness, arrogance, greed etc. This has resultantly led to neglect of God, civil/international wars, murder, gender-based violence, child abuse, human trafficking, corruption, indifference of one’s duties and responsibilities, thus creating more problems than solving.
On this note, since peace is actually desired everywhere in this world, we need to fully understand its reality in order for people to live in harmony as beloved children of God.
Christ’s Incarnation with his immeasurable love and zeal to save mankind necessitates us to change our ways. We should return to God and become agents of peace, reflecting of the reality of human existence thus, wholeheartedly embracing Christian values like mutual love and respect, forgiveness, reconciliation, perseverance etc., if at all, a harmonious social life is to be fully witnessed as a realistic phenomenon.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year 2025.
Thanks so much His Grace. May the Blessings of God be with us.