CHRISTMAS MESSAGE (2019) TO THE NATION by His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga

Beloved brethren

Christ is born: Extol him! The Word from heaven; Go to meet him!, Christ on earth; Be ye lifted up! Sing unto the Lord, all nations, and praise him in hymns with joy. Oh ye people. For he has glorified himself!  Jn 13:31.

The Church is chanting on the birth of the Word of God in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. The mystery hidden for long ages past, but mentioned by some prophets. “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel, which means God is with us”. Is 7:14. Mt 1:23. Now this mystery is revealed to the elect and saints of God. 1Cor 2:10. Truly, God is with us in the incarnation and birth of His Word as Godman, for our salvation.

Such is the good News, which most of the people in Uganda call it Enjiri, concerning the revelation of the whole mystery of salvation, through the incarnation and the visitation of the Word God to Israel. Lk 7:16. The Word through Christ Jesus brings on earth the knowledge of true God by his teaching. Mt 11:27. Also , by the grace and love of God, the Word prepares the way of redemption of the human race from Satan the enemy and from the evil of death, when he injects immortality in the nature of humans. Mt 6:13. 2Tim 1:10. Apostle Paul stands on this ground to proclaim that: Let us glorify God who strengthens us in faith. This is the gospel proclaimed to all people, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is the mystery hidden from ages. But now this mystery is revealed through the writings of Prophets. And the eternal God commanded the gospel to be preached so that all nations might believe and obey. Ro 16:25-16. Mt28:19-20.

Without any doubt, from the mystery of Christ, springs the supernatural joy, that which must spread to all people, all nations, and all the earth! This joy contains the glory of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit the Comforter. Jn 3:29; 15:11. However, as holy joy from above in heaven, filled with the glory of God,    Does not agree to associate with evil deeds and corruption of souls of the people, who are newly created in the image of Christ the Word of God. Gn 1:27. Col 1:10-20. Hence, even if it is commonly repeated that the people who follow Christ in Uganda today are equivalent to 80%, the evil deeds and corruptness of the citizens themselves certify different situations. Because the murder and theft, illusion and adultery, sodomy and any other deterioration, as evils which have enslaved Uganda today, do not associate with level of teaching of Christ the Word of God, through whom all things were made and who incarnated for our salvation from all immorality and perdition. Mk 7:21-23. 1Cor 5:9-12. Jn 1:1,14

As we conclude this message, we wish His Excellency, the President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his family, His Excellency, the Vice President, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, the Judiciary, the Ministers, the Member of Parliament; His Highness the Kabaka of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, Nabagereka Sylvia Nnaginda, Cultural leaders, Leaders of faith and all Ugandans, the incarnation of the Word of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, that is to say, His Nativity as the righteous Son of Man for the salvation of human race and all creation from destruction; maybe a Feast that enables us all the Christian believers to celebrate joyfully, understanding fully even the cause that made the Word of God to appear on earth.  Amen




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