Initially started in the 1960 by the Late Archbishop Theodoros Nankyama and late Fr. Elias Buzinde, the Orthodox community of Nkonge has for close to 40 years not experienced active church mission life hence resulting in the pioneering parishioners scattering to other religious denominations.
By the grace of God and the blessings of Metropolitan Jeronymos of Kampala, upon completing his theological studies and ordination to the priesthood, Rev. Fr. Christophoros Muyingo devoted his ministry to resurrecting the presence of Orthodoxia in this center.
On Wednesday 3, the groundbreaking of the physical presence of our mother church in this historical center was realized, we give glory to God!

Over 140 catechumens received the holy sacrament of Baptism with the first 3-month-old baby baptized by the visiting metropolitan of Kilkis, giving him his baptismal name Bathelomew. He continued and baptized more than 20 catechumens.

The Metropolitan of Kampala Jeronymos significantly baptized 5 catechumens with the names; Jeronymos, Spartas, Theodoros, and Yonas in respect to the Bishops of Kampala and Bathelomew in respect of the visiting Metropolitan of Kilkis. Other clergy conducted the baptism of the remaining catechumens.
To strengthen the presence of Orthodoxy in the community, a foundation stone for the temple dedicated to St. Andreas was laid and presided over by the Metropolitan of Kilkis.

The two hierarchies blessed the new mission activities at the center. They prayed for the latest serving priest, Fr. Christophoros to have courage as he faces the challenges that come along with spreading the gospel of our Lord in an area of this nature which had lost hope in their once original and dedicated to faith.
We encourage all pious Orthodox faithful and all believers in Christ to consider supporting our mission in Nkonge.
May God bless our religion
Glory to the Almighty God ????, for such communities resume Orthodoxy.
May God continue blessing our beloved Archbishop Jeronymos with more courage for this noble Mission work.
I encourage my co-servant parish priest to hold tight on Christ the Provider of ablebilities. Amen ????????