My beloved children in Christ,
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
“Behold, all things are made new by love” (Rev. 21:5). Today, we gather worldwide to celebrate the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate love of God. This sacred event reminds us of God’s boundless love for humanity and His desire to renew all things.
In a world plagued by corruption, hatred, and death, God’s love shines forth. As St. Paul writes, “Creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption” (Rom. 8:21-22). Christmas heralds the good news of salvation, restoring our union with God.
Kallistos Ware, in “The Orthodox Church,” describes our fallen state: “A world in which it is easy to do evil and hard to do good.” Yet, God’s philanthropia, His loving-kindness, intervenes. Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, assumes human flesh, reopening the path to union with God.
As Christians, we are called to perfection (Matt. 5:48), to love all, including our enemies. This divine love liberates us from the world’s corruption and death. We become people of God, people of love, making all things new.
As we celebrate Christmas, let us embody this love, blessing, doing good, and praying for our enemies. Our communion with God and all people leaves no room for enmity.
My beloved children, Christ is born for us! May His love transform our lives and renew our world.